Selasa, 01 Juni 2010
cara mensetting jaringan
Browsing Internet dengan kecepatan yang tinggi pasti sangat menyenangkan, berbagai cara dilakukan untuk mempercepat koneksi internet baik menggunakan software agar koneksi internet menjadi lebih cepat maupun menggunakan settingan tertentu yang diklaim bisa mempercepat koneksi internet.
Berikut ini adalah beberapa tips yang dapat digunakan untuk mempercepat koneksi internet :
I. Menggubah setting bandwith Pada windows
Pada dasarnya OS windows sudah membatasi bandwidth untuk koneksi internet sebanyak 20% dari total bandwidth yang seharusnya bisa maksimal,Jika anda ingin menambah bandwidth internet supaya koneksinya terasa lebih cepat dan kencang bisa dengan cara mengurangi atau mengosongkan batasan bandwidth tersebut supaya pada Windows kita bisa maksimal dalam menggunakan bandwidth yang sudah ada.
Ikuti petunjuknya seperti dibawah ini :
1. Klik Start
2. Klik Run
3. Ketik gpedit.msc
4. Kemudian klik Ok
5. Setelah masuk klik Administrative Templates
6. Kemudian Klik Network
7. Setelah terbuka klik QoS Packet scheduler
8. Kemudian klik Limit Reservable Bandwidth
9. Dan setelah terbuka ubah setting menjadi Enable
10. Kemudian ubah Bandwidth Limitnya menjadi 0
11. Klik Apply,ok
12. Kemudian keluar dan Restart komputer
II. Gunakan DNS dari OpenDNS untuk koneksi internet yang lebih cepat dan lebih aman.
1. Klik Start
2. Klik Control Panel
3. Pilih Network & Internet Connection
4. Klik Network Connection
5. Klik Kanan Local Area Connection pilih Properties
6. Pilih Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) kemudian Klik Properties
7. Klik Use Following DNS Server
8. Isi Preferred DNS Server dengan angka :
9. Isi Alternate DNS Server dengan angka :
10. Kemudian Klik OK
III. Jika menggunakan Browser Firefox gunakan add on Fasterfox, bisa di download disini.
Fasterfox adalah sebuah add on yang berfungsi untuk mempercepat koneksi dengan melakukan optimasi pada network dan cache browser. Fungsi dari cache adalah untuk menyimpan data sementara dari website yang kita kunjungi, sehingga ketika kita membuka kembali website tersebut proses loading-nya akan lebih cepat karena datanya telah disimpan di cache.
Beberapa optimasi yang dapat dilakukan oleh fasterfox adalah: HTTP pipelining, Memory caching,Disk caching,DNS caching,FastBack caching.
IV. Bagi pengguna Firefox, silahkan pasang Adblock
Fungsinya adalah untuk mem-filter iklan-iklan yang tidak perlu pada saat kita browsing, sehingga proses loading akan menjadi lebih cepat dan maksimal.
Menurut tulisan itu, ada beberapa cara untuk meningkatkan kecepetan akses internet di antaranya dengan menyetting browser, menggunakan openDNS atau menggunakan Google Web Accelerator.
Setting melalui openDNS sendiri sebenarnya banyak yang meragukan apakah bisa membuat koneksi cepat atau ga ada pengaruh apa-apa, coba anda baca polemiknya di forum. Sedangkan Google Web Accelerator didesain jika anda menggunakan koneksi broadband seperti cable dan DSL, tetapi untuk dial-up (mis. telkomnet instan atau speedy) juga dapat mempercepat koneksi. Untuk memakai Google Web Accelerator anda harus memenuhi kriteria antara lain Operating system harus windows XP atau windows 2000 dan browser nya harus (minimal) IE 5.5+ atau Mozilla Firefox 1.0+. kalau untuk browser lain juga bisa tetapi harus menkonfigurasi proxy settingsnya dari browser anda dengan menambah pada HTTP. Setelah melakukan instalasi, Google web accelerator akan menampilkan icon kecil di atas browser dan icon tray di pojok bawah layar desktop.
Untuk cara Setting Browser, silakan ikuti cara2 ini:
Pengguna Internet Explorer:
1. Pilih menu [Tools]
2. Pilih [Internet Option]
3. Klik tab [General]
4. Pada opsi “Temporary Internet Files” klik [Setting] lalu geser slider-nya
Koneksi internet yang cepat adalah dambaan setiap orang, seperti cewe cantik juga yang merupakan dambaan setiap orang.:-) kembali ke masalah mempercepat koneksi internet, tapi tips ini hanya berlaku untuk yang di warnet saja dan warnetnya menggunakan mozzila firefox sebagai browsernya. tujuannya adalah mempercepat koneksi internet di komputer kita dengan menyedot bandwitdh komputer lain di dalam 1 warnet. licik juga sih tips ini tapi tidak apa-apa, apalagi di saat warnet yang sedang penuh dan semua komputer lambat, jadi cara ini bisa kita pakai. jadi koneksi internet kita jadi lebih cepat dan yang lain jadi sedikit lambat. kan kalo warnet lagi penuh semuanya lambat, jadi tidak akan pada menyadarinya. okeh saya akan memberitahukan untuk anda, begini caranya untuk mempercepat koneksi internet di warnet:
1. Di address bar mozzila ketik about:config kemudian akan terlihat tulisan yang banyak sekali
2. Gunakan fasilitan ctrl+f untuk mencari kata, kata yang di cari adalah sebagai berikut dan di rubah
* Network.http.pipelining; False <– klik 2 kali ubah “False” menjadi “True“
* Network.http.pipelining.maxrequests; 4 <-- klik 2 kali ubah “4” menjadi “30“
* Network.http.proxy.pipelining; False <– klik 2 kali ubah “False” menjadi “True“
3. Kemudian klik kanan di bagian yang kosong/putih terus pilih new terus integer lalu kolom pertama isikan nglayout.initialpaint.delay lalu tekan enter satu kali dan masukan angka 0 dan tekan enter kembali.
4. Restart ulang mozzila firefoxnya
5. Selamat berinternet ria dengan cepat, karena bandwitdh akan tersedot ke komputer anda, ini tadi adalah tips mempercepat koneksi internet di warnet.
Jangan terbayangkan bahwa koneksi kita sangat cepat sekali, kita hanya akan menggunakan teknik Tunneling. Pada dasarnya jika kita mengakses sebuah server (website), komputer kita diarahkan secara langsung ke server tersebut. Misal kita akan membuka sebuah halaman website yang servernya terletak di Amerika, maka komputer kita secara langsung mengaksesnya ke server tersebut. Atau lebih sederhananya jika kita inging mengambil sesuatu yang ada di Amerika maka kita harus pergi sendiri ke Amerika.
Terbayangkan oleh kita bergitu rumitnya perjalanan yang kita lewati, begitu banyaknya hambatan yang kita hadapi. Begitupun dunia networking. Teknik tunneling sama halnya dengan teknik pengiriman barang dengan bantu
an kurir. Jika kita akan mengirim atau mengambil barang ke Amerika maka kita tidak perlu melakukannya sendiri, biarlah jasa kurir yang melakukan semua kerumitan dan hambatan yang dihadapi agar barang tadi bisa sampai ke tujuan.
Begitupun tunneling, pada saat kita mengakses sebuah halaman webiste maka komputer kita hanya akan meminta bantuan sebuah server untuk menyampaikan dan mengambil halaman demi halaman website yang kita tuju. Selain itu server tunnel akan mengkompresi data yang kita butuhkan, karena itulah koneksi internet kita secara keseluruhan akan meningkat.
Sederhanakan? Tapi kemudian muncul pertanyaan, apakah bisa hal tersebut gratis? Bisa ya bisa tidak. Sekarang sudah banyak server tunnel yang menyediakan fasilitas ini, misal Nitro, Toonel(dot)Net, TrafficCompressor, OnSpeed dan masih banyak yang lainnya. Gratiskah mereka? Jelas tidak, kecepatan yang mereka tawarkan harus ditebus dengan muahal alias berbayar. Lalu buat apa saya menulis ini? Ya karena saya ingin berbagi server tunnel yang GRATIS. Baik mari kita bahas cara menghubungkan komputer kita ke server tunnel yang gratis, tapi ada beberapa hal yang harus diperhatikan sebelum membahas.
1. Komputer anda harus terkoneksi dengan internet.
2. Teknik tunnel ini cocok bagi yang menggunakan koneksi internet dengan fasilitas GPRS, tapi bisa juga untuk jenis koneksi lain.
3. Harus sudah terpasang software tunneling, misal putty, silahkan anda download pada bagian sebelah kanan blog (DEHAFILE).
Ikuti langkahnya :
1. Download PuTTY , lihat link sebelah kanan (DEHAFILE)
2. Ekstrak menggunakan WinRAR dan simpan PuTTY.exe pada C:WINDOWS
3. Biarkanlah PuTTY tidur disana, tidak usah diaktifkan
4. Klik Start Menu => Run dan masukan “putty -P 222 -N -D 9999 -C” tanpa tanda petik (”) setelah itu jendela DOS akan terbuka.
5. Pada saat diminta password, ketikan “cepat123” tanpa tanda petik (”) dan Enter, tapi jangan heran pada saat memasukan password anda tidak melihat apapun, makanya anda harus hati-hati memasukan password, jika salah maka PuTTY akan memberitahu anda, jika salah lagi maka PuTTY akan terminate (close). Jika setelah memasukan password PuTTY tidak ada reaksi (kursor hanya turun) maka anda sudah betul
6. Arahkan agar browser menggunakan SOCKS proxy di localhost, port 9999 (lihat gambar dibawah)
7. Selamat browsing dengan kecepatan baru tapi ingat ucapkan terima kasih pada Mas Harry karena sudah berbaik hati meminjamkan server-nya yang di Singapura untuk Tunneling, mudah-mudahan amal kebaikannya di balas oleh Allah SWT.
8. Tutorial Ini Wajib & Harus: Memiliki Server Untuk Tunneling. Free Server Tunneling Bisa Didapat Di Internet / Dari Server Anda Sendiri.
Tadi lagi iseng-iseng browsing eh nemu tips yang satu ini, sebenarnya gimana sih settingan dan cara kerja dari pemanfaatan cahe ini??. Ini adalah cara untuk mempercepat koneksi internet yang smart.
Cache sebenernya berfungsi supaya kita browser yang kita gunakan tidak perlu lagi me load file-file yang sebelumnya sudah kita download(web yang pernah kita kunjungi, nah dengan cara ini kita bisa menyimpan cache secara besar, dan ada juga pem-blokir trojan nya lagi. mantab deh pokok nya.
Untuk ukuran penyimpanan cache bisa tak terbatas tergantung dari besar muatan hardisk anda. Jadi untuk memperbesar cache bisa sesuai dengan keinginan anda.
Ada beberapa konfigurasi yang di lakukan untuk melakukan cara ini, langkah-langkah nya adalah sebagai berikut:
Konfigurasi :
1. Klik tool pada menu internet explorer, klik internet options
2. Pada tab connection, klik LAN Settings
3. Proxy Server diberi tanda centang, isikan Address “″ & set port, misal “8080″
4. Klik ok
5. Pada tab advanced, lihat pada tree HTTP 1.1 settings, beri tanda centang :
- Use HTTP 1.1
- Use HTTP 1.1 through proxy connection
6. Klik ok
Bagi yang menggunakan internet melalui akses dial-up, cara settingnya :
1. Klik tool pada menu internet explorer, klik internet options
2. Pada tab connection, frame Dial-UP and Private Network Settings, klik Settings
3. Proxy Server diberi tanda centang, isikan Address “″ & set port, misal “8080″
4. Klik ok
5. Pada tab advanced, lihat pada tree HTTP 1.1 settings, beri tanda centang :
- Use HTTP 1.1
- Use HTTP 1.1 through proxy connection
6. Klik ok
Bagi yang pakai mozilla firefox ada juga settingannya di Menu Tool, Sub menu Option, Network connection, klik setting, Proxy Server diberi tanda centang, isikan Address “″ & set port tool ini, misal “8080″ dan klik ok.
Nah untuk selanjutnya perlu juga tambahan aplikasi yang bisa di download di sini.
Koneksi internet anda lelet? Silahkan anda coba software Onspeed 6.0.9 , software ini bisa meningkatkan kecepatan internet anda hingga 10 kali lipat!!!(Dial-up – 10x Faster, Broadband – 5x Faster, Mobile connections – 8x Faster). Saya pribadi memang tidak menggunakan software ini (karena selama ini memakai koneksi lewat warnet terus), tapi bolehlah anda coba (taruh komentar anda ya… apakah software ini benar-benar berfungsi apa tidak)
Di bawah ini ada beberapa software lainnya yang bisa anda gunakan untuk meningkatkan kecepatan browsing internet anda:
- Flash Speed 200%
Flash Speed 200% is an Internet accelerator that help you optimize your Internet connection speed 200% or more. The software changes some Windows settings to give you faster performance, and optimize your Internet connection speed 200% or more according to your computer. It support optimiz Dial-Up, Lan, Cable, ADSL, HDSL, VDSL and PPPoE connections up to 200% faster. Increase your download speeds.
Download Flash Speed 200%
- CFosSpeed
Tool ini Untuk Mempercepat Akses Internet Cocok Buat Koneksi Lemot (Traffic Compresson System)
Download CfosSpeed
- Dsl Speed
DSL Speed is a prefessional tool that will online optimize your
DSL(e.g.,ADSL,G.lite,IDSL,SDSL)connection speed to MAX.
Main Features:
Online optimize your DSL (ADSL) connection speed.
Auto verify your ISP’s MTU and your DSL (ADSL) unique optimize
Faster loading Web Pages.
Tweaks DNS Errors Caching In Windows 2000/XP.
Tweaks ICS In Windows 98SE.
Download DSL Speed
- Internet Turbo
Software untuk meningkatkan kecepatan internet
Download Internet Turbo
- Modem Boster
Software untuk mempercepat kinerja Modem
Download Modem Boster
- Firefox Ultimate Optimizer
Software untuk optiamasi Browser firefox
Download Firefox Ultimate Optimizer
- Fasterfox
Add-ons untuk browser Firefox. Setelah Fasterfox selesai terinstall, restart Firefox anda. Tanda kalau Fasterfox sudah terinstall di Firefox anda adalah akan ada gambar rubah kecil di sisi kanan bawah Firefox anda.
Download add-on FasterFox
- Google Web Accelerator
Tanda kalo GoogleWebAccelerator sudah terinstall di web browsing anda adalah akan ada gambar jam kecil di web browsing anda. GoogleWebAccelerator akan menunjukkan berapa banyak waktu yang telah dihemat karena menggunakan GoogleWebAccelerator.
Download Google Web Accelerator
- FullSpeed2.7
Dramatically speed up your existing Internet broadband connection and get the best performance possible from your current Internet connection. Full Speed will increase your online Internet speed with everything you do: faster downloading, web browsing and web page loading, data streaming, email, P2P and gaming. Full Speed will also improve the performance of business communications which utilise Broadband technologies including Remote Desktop sessions, Intranets and Extranets over VPN’s and WANs . One click it’s done; no questions or any knowledge is required. Full Speed has a ‘Clean’ Award from Softpedia confirming that it is completely Spyware FREE. Full Speed also has no banners, popups, adverts, contracts, subscriptions, viruses or malware of any kind. Free performance testing software is also included for testing and comparison of download speeds and Web browsing performance.
Download full Speed
DNS kepanjangan Domain Name Server. Fungsi DNS menerjemahkan nama Domain menjadi deretan angka IP. Contohnya bila kita akan membuka atau merequest url Domain tertentu, biasanya kita menggunakan deretan nama atau huruf karena lebih mudah dihafal seperti, , , dan sebagainya.
Nah disinilah DNS ini bekerja. DNS ini melakukan encode atau menerjemahkan dari domain ke dalam bentuk deretan angka unik yaitu berupa IP misal Ip nya adalah Jadi bila kita masukan pada browser maka juga akan membuka domain tersebut. Deretan angka IP seperti IP inilah yang digunakan mesin internet untuk saling berkomunikasi seperti Server Domain, Server Hosting, Server Proxy dan sebagainya.
Terus apa hubungan DNS dengan kecepatan akses internet kita ?
Selain trik dan tips mempercepat akses internet pada postingan lalu Menggunakan Proxy dan tweaking pada borwser. Kita juga bisa menggunakan DNS alternatif ini untuk mempercepat akses internet kita.
Pada dasarnya semua ISP (Internet Service Provider) atau penyedia layanan sambungan internet seperti indosat, Telkomsel, Telkom, dan sebagainya menggunakan atau mempunyai DNS Server tersendiri.Server DNS suatu ISP atau penyedia internet tentunya juga mempunyai kemampuan, kecepatan, speseifikasi, dan lama cache tersediri.
Adakalanya Server DNS ini Drop karena padatnya Trafik DNS server suatu ISP. Sehingga menyebabkan lambannya query atau proses request. Jadi bila terjadi gangguan pada Server DNS suatu ISP, maka pada saat kita akan membuka website menggunakan browser seperti mozila , Firefox, Opera, Flock, safari dan sebagainya, maka akan terasa lebih lambat bahkan terjadi konfirmasi error atau not Found pada browser kita. Seperti yang dulu sering terjadi di Telkom Speedy beberapa saat lalu.
Meski ISP atau penyedia Internet yang kita gunakan mempunyai Server DNS sendiri sebenarnya kita juga bisa menggunakan atau memanfaatkan DNS server ISP operator lain. Jadi Server DNS ini bisa kita gunakan untuk semua jenis ISP yang kita gunakan.
Berikut ini langkah atau Cara merubah Setting DNS pada windows :
Control panel >>> Network Connections >>> Klik kanan account sambungan internet yang sedang aktif /connected >>> Properties >>> Networking >>> Internet Protocol >>> Properties >> Beri Tanda pada Use the Following DNS server addresses >>> masukan DNS yang anda pilih >> Klik Ok
Mempercepat Akses Internet Menggunakan DNS alternatifMempercepat Akses Internet Menggunakan DNS alternatif
Restart Ulang Koneksi Internet anda , Perubahan akan terjadi setelah anda restart ulang koneksi internet anda.
Silahkan pilih alternatif DNS Server berikut ini, gunakan DNS yang anda rasa paling cepat pada sambungan internet anda.
Daftar DNS Server Indonesia :
Server DNS termasuk DNS Indosat IM2
DNS Telkom Speedy
DNS AWARI (Asosiasi Warnet Indonesia)
* 202.149.
Singnet Singapore
Daftar DNS Luar indonesia :
DNS ScrubIt
DNS DNSadvantage
Verizon (Reston, VA, US)
GTE (Irving, TX, US)
One Connect IP (Albuquerque, NM, US)
OpenDNS (San Francisco, CA, US)
Exetel (Sydney, AU)
VRx Network Services (New York, NY, US)
SpeakEasy (Seattle, WA, US)
Sprintlink (Overland Park, KS, US)
Cisco (San Jose, CA, US)
Catatan :
Beberapa DNS tidak bisa digunakan untuk akses FTP dan Website tertentu diblokir oleh Server DNS tersebut.
Sekarang mari kita lanjutkan bahasan toonel yang lalu belum sempat diselesaikan karena kelewat panjang. hehehe Dalam artikel kali ini akan dikhususkan pembahasan untuk mempercepat sekaligus menghemat surfing internet anda menggunakan software yang free/gratis yaitu : (bandwith compression software).
Sudah umum bahwa internet CDMA di Indonesia belumlah secepat koneksi internet menggunakan Cable, Broadband, maupun Satelit yang notabene masih ‘relatif’ mahal biaya berlangganannya. Internet CDMA memang ‘relatif’ murah, tetapi banyak operator semisalnya StarOne (yang sekarang HW masih pake juga), menerapkan PAKET-PAKET yang TIDAK UNLIMITED b-with lagi. Memang dulu pada awal bulan promosi dengan Rp200 rb sudah bisa unlimited sepuasnya, waktu itu tak perlu bingung masalah bandwith.
Namun, sekarang paket unlimited tersebut sudah tidak ada. Jadi tinggal pilih saja paket starone dengan Rp100 rb dapet jatah kuota bandwith 350MB atau Rp200 rb dapetnya 1 GB kuota bandwith. Selebihnya itu apabila terjadi kelebihan pemakaian > ya tentunya BAYAR !!!! per MB nya.. Waahhh jadi membengkak deh tagihannya.
Tentunya kalo internet cuman untuk chatting 2x ’saja’ pastilah bandwithnya termasuk hemat pake koneksi cdma, tetapi beda jika anda sering DOWNLOAD files-files yang BueSaaaR BesaR, movies di youtube misalnya, ato buka friendster yang penuh dengan photo-photo dan movies yang bertebaran belum lagi musik2nya yang dipasang beserta iklan-iklan animasi gif maupun flash yang adaaa… DAN itu dilakukan setiap hari, Wah sering banget pemakaian bandwith lepas kendali!
TERUS yang terjadi adalah biaya yang MEMBENGKAK ketika amplop tagihan bill internet anda dikirim kerumah.
Nah.. tentunya kalau kita mau berusaha secara kreatif, permasalahan diatas bisa diatasi. Dengan menggunakan software-software kompressi bandwith, Penghematan kuota bandwith bisa kita lakukan. Sebenarnya bagaimana sih proses software kompresi bandwith ini sehingga bisa mengghemat kuota bandwith anda ???
Apa itu software TOONEL ?
TOONEL adalah software kompresi bandwith yang mirip ONSPEED, ( bahasan sebelumnya pada artikel Tweak Browsing Internet Speed 10x – Broadband-CDMA-Dial-Up with Bandwith Compression ). Tapi tentunya ada perbedaan lainnya dalam penginstallan maupun penggunaannya. Bila software ONSPEED berbayar, dan anda tidak perlu susah-susah dalam setting penggunaannya, software toonel ini mengharuskan anda menginstall JAVA Runtime terlebih dahulu dan menyiapkan setting-settingannya dulu.
Berikut ringkasan penjelasan official webnya mengenai ( allows you to compress virtually any TCP/IP traffic. If you wish to use the service for web browsing then please set the following HTTP, HTTPS and FTP proxy settings for the connection you wish to use: port 8080. Please refer to your system help on how to change proxy settings. The above links may also be useful and show how to configure certain applications. The client application must be running all time when you are accessing theInternet.
Note: If you have personal firewall running you may need to allow Java Internet access.
Image quality
Starting from version client allows to control quality of JPEG images. You can degrade images to achieve better compression by setting percentage of the original quality.Starting from version client also allows to control quality of GIF images by reducing color palette of the original image.To change image quality using version select “″ configuration on the Mapping pane. To change image quality using version and above select the Web pane.
>>Jadi mirip dengan cara kerja software ONSPEED, yakni melakukan pengkompressan terhadap kualitas gambar yang ditampilkan pada browser anda. Sehingga secara tidak la
ngsung terjadi penghematan bandwith sekaligus MEMPERCEPAT proses loading pages yang anda akan buka.
TOONEL merupakan software yang FREE / Gratis karena termasuk kategori open-source. Karena menggunakan JAVA Runtime Environment, maka apabila digunakan pada komputer anda memerlukan penyettingan terlebih dahulu sebelum digunakan tentunya.
LANGKAH 2x menggunakan software TOONEL pada PC anda:
>PERSIAPAN: (mendownload installer yang diperlukan)
1. Silakan download terlebih dahulu JAVA Runtime Environment, karena TOONEL berbasis java..
di :
N.B: Pengalaman HW, kalau internet anda sering terputus / dc lebih baik anda download JAVA yang ‘offline’ 13.9 MB (Full)
daripada yang 7.1 MB ‘online’ (instalasi via konek online lagi).
2. Kalau sudah, download software kompresi TOONEL-nya..
di : sebesar 120K aja.
1. Matikan terlebih dahulu browser anda.
2. Install JAVA Runtime Environmentnya terlebih dahulu.
3. baru kemudian Install TOONEL nya.
>>>kalau sudah terinstall dengan baik > cara SETTING nya : ( Settingan pada browser Mozilla Firefox )
1. Masuk bagian menu Tools > Options > Advanced
2. Pilih bagian tab “Network”
3. Pada bagian Connection pilih “Settings…”
4. Pada window ‘Connection Settings’ isi yang ‘Manual Proxy Configuration’ > isi HTTP Proxy dengan dan port 8080
5. Selesai, Restart browser anda.
6. Toonel siap digunakan.
>>>>TOONEL di nyalakan: Siap memproses pages yang akan anda browsing, berikut hasil screenshot / printscreen software ini apabila sudah berjalan dengan baik status ‘running’ :
tweak internet speed with toonel bandwith compression software
Berikut screenshot apabila sudah mengkompress bandwith:
tweak internet speed - toonel screenshot
Apabila anda ingin menggunakan software yang mirip TOONEL ini tetapi berbayar relatif ‘murah’ namun lebih ’simple’ (tidak perlu setting-setting lagi) anda bisa membaca postingan artikel sebelumnya, menggunakan software ONSPEED.
Jadi, TOONEL / ONSPEED ? itu terserah anda. Sama-sama bagus. Dan tentunya kalau tidak dicoba sendiri sesuai koneksi dan keadaan internet pc anda, maka kurang lengkap rasanya hehehe. Onspeed juga ada FREE kok tapi 14 days trial saja. Silakan baca artikel sebelumnya.
Ok, Nantikan postingan artikel selanjutnya yang berbeda dengan onspeed / toonel , yang pasti tak kalah hebatnya, penggunaan software ‘cFosSpeed‘ untuk mempercepat internet speed CDMA / dial-up lainnya yang lemot.
Program Tweak Master ini akan meningkatkan kecepatan browsing dan kecepatan download anda. software ini juga dapat digunakan pada semua tipe koneksi misal : Dial up, DSL, Kabel, atau Wireless.
Tweak Master ProTweak Master Pro
Setelah anda install program ini, kemudian anda jalankan program ini. Nantinya program ini akan merekomendasikan sendiri settingan yang cocok untuk tipe komputer dan koneksi anda. Dengan memberikan beberapa pertanyaan pilihan saat akan setting optimasi kecepatan koneksi internet anda.
Anda juga bisa menyetting sesuai dengan keinginan anda sendiri, untuk mendapatkan kecepatan download yang maksimum.
Download Program Tweak Master Pro + Keygen :
op internet accelerator (according to PC Magazine), a network settings optimizer to speed up your existing Dial-Up Modem, DSL, Cable, Wireless, LAN, High-speed internet connections.
Speed connect internet accelerators telah mereleased version terbaru yaitu v7.5! Dengan penambahan fiture-fiture baru dan perbaikan yang makin membuat software ini bekerja dengan baik dan efektif. Menurut PC Magazine, saat ini program Speed Connect Internet Accelerator adalah salah satu program Internet Accelerator terbaik .
SpeedConnect Internet Accelerator adalah software yang diciptakan untuk meng optimalkan koneksi internet dan mempercepat koneksi internet kita ketika browsing, membuka email, downloads, uploads, serta ketika bermain game secara online juga voice talk online.
* Optimizes all internet connection types
* User friendly
* Quick Optimizer option
* Advanced Customization
* Tool and Wizards
* Load/Save Settings
* Optimization Report
* Connection Analyzer
* FASTER internet connection
* Browse FASTER
* Send and receive e-mail FASTER
* Download and upload files FASTER
* Play online games FASTER
* Improve Skype connection
* NO adware, NO hardware installation
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5. Kemudian file yang terdapat didalamnya yaitu : SpeedConnect Internet Accelerator.exe dan SpeedConnectStartUp.exe dicopykan kedalam directory = C:\Program Files\CBS Software\SpeedConnect Internet Accelerator
6. Kemudian jalankan file SpeedConnect Keygen.exe cara instal speed connect internet accelerator
7. Isikan alamat email anda , lalu > Generate
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Minggu, 23 Mei 2010
Hard Disk
Interior of a hard disk drive | |
Date invented | December 14, 1954[1] |
Invented by | An IBM team led by Rey Johnson |
Connects to | Host adapter of system, in PCs typically integrated into motherboard. via one of: |
Market Segments | Desktop computers Mobile computing Enterprise computing Consumer electronic |
A hard disk drive[2] (hard disk,[3] hard drive,[4] HDD) is a non-volatile storage device for digital data. It features one or more rotating rigid platters on a motor-driven spindle within a metal case. Data is encoded magnetically by read/write heads that float on a cushion of air above the platters, with modern storage capacity measured in gigabytes and terabytes.
The first hard disks were invented by IBM in 1956. They have fallen in size and cost over the years, displacing floppy disks in the late 1980s as the preferred long-term storage mechanism for personal computers. Most desktop systems today have standardized on the 3.5" form factor, and though mobile systems most often use 2.5" drives, both sizes operate on similar high-speed serial interfaces.
Despite their utility, hard disk design introduces inherent performance compromises. The manipulation of sequential data depends upon the rotational speed of the platters and the data recording density. Because heat and vibration limit rotational speed, advancing density becomes the sole method to improve sequential transfer rates. While these advances exponentially increase storage capacity, the performance gains they enable are only linear. Performance relative to capacity in new generations of hard disks has therefore fallen with time. Operations on non-sequential data are further compromised by the overhead of moving the read/write heads to new positions. The more scattered the data, the more transfer rates suffer. The multi-layer caching structure of modern computers is a direct response to these limitations.
As of 2010, the rise of inexpensive non-volatile flash memory has made the continued dominance of hard disks in personal computers less certain. Storage capacity has increased at a rate far in excess of the data requirements of common productivity applications. Streaming media from distant servers continues to rise in popularity,[5] in league with the arrival of portable devices that require a level of power consumption, durability, and instant-access that a hard disk cannot provide. While the aggregate data demands of all users will continue to rise, future hard disk market share may shift to the enterprise sector.
External hard disk drive
An external hard disk drive is a type of hard disk drive which is connected to a computer by a USB cable or other means. Modern entries into the market consist of standard SATA, IDE, or SCSI hard drives in portable disk enclosures with SCSI, USB, IEEE 1394 Firewire, eSATA client interfaces to connect to the host computer.
The first commercial hard disks were large and cumbersome, were not stored within the computer itself, and therefore fit within the definition of an external hard disk. The hard disk platters were stored within protective covers or memory units, which sit outside. These hard disks soon evolved to be compact enough that the disks were able to be mounted into bays inside a computer. Early Apple Macintosh computers did not have easily accessible hard drive bays (or, in the case of the Mac Plus, any hard drive bay at all), so on those models, external SCSI disks such as the Apple ProFile were the only reasonable option. Early external drives were not as compact or portable as their modern descendents.[1] [2] [3]
By the end of the 20th century, internal drives became the system of choice for computers running Windows, while external hard drives remained popular for much longer on the Apple Macintosh and other professional workstations which offered external SCSI ports. Apple made such interfaces available by default from 1986 and 1998. The addition of USB and Firewire interfaces to standard personal computers led such drives to become commonplace in the PC market as well. These new interfaces supplanted the more complex and expensive SCSI interfaces, leading to standardization and cost reductions for external hard drives.
Hard Disk 20
Type | Hard Disk |
Release date | September 17, 1985 |
Introductory price | 1499 [1] |
Discontinued | September, 1987 |
Operating system | 2.1–4.3 |
Dimensions | plastic (Pantone 453[2] |
The Hard Disk 20 (or HD20, as it was known colloquially) contained a 20MB 3.5" Rodime hard disk which provided over 50 times the data storage of the stock 400K disk drive. At a time when the average file size was around 10-20K and due to the vast number of those files the HD 20 could contain, Apple's original Macintosh File System, which did not allow for directories, would have made organizing those files unwieldy. Therefore Apple introduced it with a new System and Finder update which included the brand new Hierarchical File System allowing the user to better organize files on such a large volume. As a result only the Macintosh 512K could access it, the original Macintosh 128K did not have enough RAM to load the new file system. In fact, even for the Macintosh 512K to use the drive, it required an additional file in the System Folder on a special startup disk which added additional code into memory during startup. An ingenious startup routine also allowed the Mac to check for the presence of a System file on the Hard Disk, switch over to it and eject the startup disk. Unfortunately, the HD 20 could not be used as a startup disk directly without first loading the code from the floppy disk drive. With the release of the Macintosh Plus and the Macintosh 512Ke, both containing the upgraded 128K ROM which contained the additional code, the HD 20 could finally be used alone as a startup disk.
While other hard drives were available on the market, Apple's HD 20 was generally preferred mainly because Apple broke their own development rules when they offered it. Originally the Macintosh was designed with two serial ports which were to provide all the expansion needs required of the user. It also included a dedicated floppy disk port for one external floppy disk. Most of the hard drives which were available on the market used the slower serial port to transfer data per Apple's specifications. Apple instead engineered the HD 20 to use the faster floppy disk port, enabling the user to daisy-chain an external floppy disk drive as well as an additional HD 20. With few exceptions, this along with complete compatibility with the new Hierarchical File System, gave Apple an instant edge over the competition. In addition, the HD 20 had a convenient "zero-footprint" design which fit precisely underneath the Macintosh, merely elevating it 3 inches, but otherwise taking up no more desk-space.
Compact Disk ( CD )
CD-ROM (pronounced /ˌsiːˌdiːˈrɒm/, an acronym of "compact disc read-only memory") is a pre-pressed compact disc that contains data accessible to, but not writable by, a computer for data storage and music playback, the 1985 “Yellow Book” standard developed by Sony and Philips adapted the format to hold any form of binary data.[1]
CD-ROMs are popularly used to distribute computer software, including games and multimedia applications, though any data can be stored (up to the capacity limit of a disc). Some CDs hold both computer data and audio with the latter capable of being played on a CD player, while data (such as software or digital video) is only usable on a computer (such as ISO 9660 format PC CD-ROMs). These are called enhanced CDs.
Although many people use lowercase letters in this acronym, proper presentation is in all capital letters with a hyphen between CD and ROM. It was also suggested by some,[who?] especially soon after the technology was first released, that CD-ROM was an acronym for "Compact Disc read-only-media", or that it was a more "correct" definition. This was not the intention of the original team who developed the CD-ROM, and common acceptance of the "memory" definition is now almost universal. This is probably in no small part due to the widespread use of other "ROM" acronyms such as Flash-ROMs and EEPROMs where "memory" is usually the correct term.[citation needed]
At the time of the technology's introduction it had more capacity than computer hard drives common at the time. The reverse is now true, with hard drives far exceeding CDs, DVDs and Blu-ray, though some experimental descendants of it such as HVDs may have more space and faster data rates than today's biggest hard drive.
CD-ROM discs are identical in appearance to audio CDs, and data are stored and retrieved in a very similar manner (only differing from audio CDs in the standards used to store the data). Discs are made from a 1.2 mm thick disc of polycarbonate plastic, with a thin layer of aluminium to make a reflective surface. The most common size of CD-ROM disc is 120 mm in diameter, though the smaller Mini CD standard with an 80 mm diameter, as well as numerous non-standard sizes and shapes (e.g., business card-sized media) are also available. Data is stored on the disc as a series of microscopic indentations. A laser is shown onto the reflective surface of the disc to read the pattern of pits and lands ("pits", with the gaps between them referred to as "lands"). Because the depth of the pits is approximately one-quarter to one-sixth of the wavelength of the laser light used to read the disc, the reflected beam's phase is shifted in relation to the incoming beam, causing destructive interference and reducing the reflected beam's intensity. This pattern of changing intensity of the reflected beam is converted into binary data.
There are several formats used for data stored on compact discs, known collectively as the Rainbow Books. These include the original Red Book standards for CD audio, White Book and Yellow Book CD-ROM. The ECMA-130 standard, which gives a thorough description of the physics and physical layer of the CD-ROM, inclusive of cross-interleaved Reed-Solomon coding (CIRC) and eight-to-fourteen modulation (EFM), can be downloaded from ECMA.[2]
ISO 9660 defines the standard file system of a CD-ROM, although it is due to be replaced by ISO 13490 (which also supports CD-R and multi-session). UDF extends ISO 13346 (which was designed for non-sequential write-once and re-writeable discs such as CD-R and CD-RW) to support read-only and re-writeable media and was first adopted for DVD. The bootable CD specification, to make a CD emulate a hard disk or floppy, is called El Torito.
CD-ROM drives are rated with a speed factor relative to music CDs (1× or 1-speed which gives a data transfer rate of 150 KiB/s). 12× drives were common beginning in early 1997. Above 12× speed, there are problems with vibration and heat. Constant angular velocity (CAV) drives give speeds up to 30× at the outer edge of the disc with the same rotational speed as a standard constant linear velocity (CLV) 12×, or 32× with a slight increase. However due to the nature of CAV (linear speed at the inner edge is still only 12×, increasing smoothly in-between) the actual throughput increase is less than 30/12 - in fact, roughly 20× average for a completely full disc, and even less for a partially filled one.
Problems with vibration, owing to e.g. limits on achievable symmetry and strength in mass produced media, mean that CDROM drive speeds have not massively increased since the late 90s. Over 10 years later, commonly available drives vary between 24× (slimline and portable units, 10× spin speed) and 52× (typically CD- and read-only units, 21× spin speed), all using CAV to achieve their claimed "max" speeds, with 32× through 48× most common. Even so, these speeds can cause poor reading (drive error correction having become very sophisticated in response) and even shattering of poorly made or physically damaged media, with small cracks rapidly growing into catastrophic breakages when centripetally stressed at 10,000 - 13,000rpm (i.e. 40-52× CAV). High rotational speeds also produce undesirable noise from disc vibration, rushing air and the spindle motor itself. Thankfully, most 21st century drives allow forced low speed modes (by use of small utility programs) for the sake of safety, accurate reading or silence, and will automatically fall back if a large number of sequential read errors and retries are encountered.
Other methods of improving read speed were trialled such as using multiple pickup heads, increasing throughput up to 72× with a 10× spin speed, but along with other technologies like 90~99 minute recordable media and "double density" recorders, their utility was nullified by the introduction of consumer DVDROM drives capable of consistent 36× CDROM speeds (4× DVD) or higher. Additionally, with a 700mb CDROM fully readable in under 2½ minutes at 52× CAV, increases in actual data transfer rate are decreasingly influential on overall effective drive speed when taken into consideration with other factors such as loading/unloading, media recognition, spin up/down and random seek times, making for much decreased returns on development investment. A similar stratification effect has since been seen in DVD development where maximum speed has stabilised at 16× CAV (with exceptional cases between 18× and 22×) and capacity at 4.3 and 8.5GiB (single and dual layer), with higher speed and capacity needs instead being catered to by Blu-Ray drives.
CD-ROM format
A CD-ROM sector contains 2,352 bytes, divided into 98 24-byte frames. Unlike a music CD, a CD-ROM cannot rely on error concealment by interpolation, and therefore requires a higher reliability of the retrieved data. In order to achieve improved error correction and detection, a CD-ROM has a third layer of Reed–Solomon error correction.[3] A Mode-1 CD-ROM, which has the full three layers of error correction data, contains a net 2,048 bytes of the available 2,352 per sector. In a Mode-2 CD-ROM, which is mostly used for video files, there are 2,336 user-available bytes per sector. The net byte rate of a Mode-1 CD-ROM, based on comparison to CDDA audio standards, is 44100 Hz × 16 bits/sample × 2 channels × 2,048 / 2,352 /8 = 153.6 kB/s = 150 KiB/s. The playing time is 74 minutes, or 4,440 seconds, so that the net capacity of a Mode-1 CD-ROM is 682 MB or, equivalently, 650 MiB.
A 1× speed CD drive reads 75 consecutive sectors per second.
Power supply
Power supply is a supply of power electrical power. A device or system that supplies electrical or other types of energy to an output load or group of loads is called a power supply unit or PSU. The term is most commonly applied to electrical energy supplies, less often to mechanical ones, and rarely to others.
A power supply may include a power distribution system as well as primary or secondary sources of energy such as: C.M.S
- Conversion of one form of electrical power to another desired form and voltage, typically involving converting AC line voltage to a well-regulated lower-voltage DC for electronic devices. Low voltage, low power DC power supply units are commonly integrated with the devices they supply, such as computers and household electronics; for other examples, see switched-mode power supply, linear regulator, rectifier and inverter (electrical).
- Batteries
- Chemical fuel cells and other forms of energy storage systems
- Solar power
- Generators or alternators
For large-scale power supplies, see electricity generation.
Constraints that commonly affect power supplies are the amount of power they can supply, how long they can supply it without needing some kind of refueling or recharging, how stable their output voltage or current is under varying load conditions, and whether they provide continuous power or pulses.
A regulated power supply or stabilized power supply is one that includes circuitry to tightly control the output voltage and/or current to a specific value. The specific value is closely maintained despite variations in the load presented to the power supply's output, or any reasonable voltage variation at the power supply's input.
Battery power supply
A battery is a type of linear power supply that offers benefits that traditional line-operated power supplies lack: mobility, portability and reliability. A battery consists of multiple electrochemical cells connected to provide the voltage desired.
The most commonly used dry-cell battery is the carbon-zinc dry cell battery.[2] Dry-cell batteries are made by stacking a carbon plate, a layer of electrolyte paste, and a zinc plate alternately until the desired total voltage is achieved. The most common dry-cell batteries have one of the following voltages: 1.5, 3, 6, 9, 22.5, 45, and 90. During the discharge of a carbon-zinc battery, the zinc metal is converted to a zinc salt in the electrolyte, and magnesium dioxide is reduced at the carbon electrode. These actions establish a voltage of approximately 1.5 V.
The lead-acid storage battery may be used. This battery is rechargeable; it consists of lead and lead/dioxide electrodes which are immersed in sulfuric acid. When fully charged, this type of battery has a 2.06-2.14 V potential. During discharge, the lead is converted to lead sulfate and the sulfuric acid is converted to water. When the battery is charging, the lead sulfate is converted back to lead and lead dioxide.
A nickel-cadmium battery has become more popular in recent years.[3] This battery cell is completely sealed and rechargeable. The electrolyte is not involved in the electrode reaction, making the voltage constant over the span of the batteries long service life. During the charging process, nickel oxide is oxidized to its higher oxidation state and cadmium oxide is reduced. The nickel-cadmium batteries have many benefits. They can be stored both charged and uncharged. They have a long service life, high current availabilities, constant voltage, and the ability to be recharged.
Unregulated power supply
An AC powered unregulated power supply usually uses a transformer to convert the voltage from the wall outlet (mains) to a different, usually a lower voltage. If it is used to produce DC, a rectifier is used. A capacitor is used to smooth the pulsating current from the rectifier. Some small periodic deviations from smooth direct current will remain, which is known as ripple. These pulsations occur at a frequency related to the AC power frequency (for example, a multiple of 50 or 60 Hz).
The simplest unregulated DC power supply circuit consists of a single diode and resistor in series with the AC supply. This circuit is common in rechargeable flashlights.
Linear power supply
The voltage produced by an unregulated power supply will vary depending on the load and on variations in the AC supply voltage. For critical electronics applications a linear regulator will be used to stabilize and adjust the voltage. This regulator will also greatly reduce the ripple and noise in the output direct current. Linear regulators often provide current limiting, protecting the power supply and attached circuit from overcurrent.
Adjustable linear power supplies are common laboratory and service shop test equipment, allowing the output voltage to be set over a wide range. For example, a bench power supply used by circuit designers may be adjustable up to 30 volts and up to 5 amperes output. Some can be driven by an external signal, for example, for applications requiring a pulsed output.
Switched-mode power supply
A switched-mode power supply (SMPS) works on a different principle. AC mains input is directly rectified without the use of a transformer, to obtain a DC voltage. This voltage is then sliced into small pieces by a high-speed electronic switch. The size of these slices grows larger as power output requirements increase.
The input power slicing occurs at a very high speed (typically 10 kHz — 1 MHz). High frequency and high voltages in this first stage permit much smaller step down transformers and smoothing capacitors than are in a linear power supply. After the transformer secondary, the AC is again rectified to DC. To keep output voltage constant, the power supply needs a sophisticated feedback controller to monitor current drawn by the load.
Modern switched-mode power supplies often include additional safety features such as the crowbar circuit to help protect the device and the user from harm.[4] In the event that an abnormal high current power draw is detected, the switched-mode supply can assume this is a direct short and will shut itself down before damage is done. For decades PC power supplies have also provided a power good signal to the motherboard which prevents operation when abnormal supply voltages are present.
Switched mode power supplies have an absolute limit on their minimum current output.[5] They are only able to output above a certain power level and cannot function below that point. In a no-load condition the frequency of the power slicing circuit increases to great speed, causing the isolated transformer to act as a Tesla coil, causing damage due to the resulting very high voltage power spikes. Switched-mode supplies with protection circuits may briefly turn on but then shut down when no load has been detected. A very small low-power dummy load such as a ceramic power resistor or 10-watt light bulb can be attached to the supply to allow it to run with no primary load attached.
Power factor has become a recent issue of concern for computer manufacturers. Switched mode power supplies have traditionally been a source of power line harmonics and have a very poor power factor. Many computer power supplies built in the last few years now include power factor correction built right into the switched-mode supply, and may advertise the fact that they offer 1.0 power factor.
By slicing up the sinusoidal AC wave into very small discrete pieces, a portion of unused alternating current stays in the power line as very small spikes of power that cannot be utilized by AC motors and results in waste heating of power line transformers. Hundreds of switched mode power supplies in a building can result in poor power quality for other customers surrounding that building, and high electric bills for the company if they are billed according to their power factor in addition to the actual power used. Filtering capacitor banks may be needed on the building power mains to suppress and absorb these negative power factor effects.
Programmable power supply
Programmable power supplies are those in which the output voltage can be varied remotely. One possible option is digital control by a computer interface. Variable properties include voltage, current, and frequency. This type of supply is composed of a processor, voltage/current programming circuits, current shunt, and voltage/current read-back circuits.
Programmable power supplies can furnish DC, AC, or AC with a DC offset. The AC output can be either single-phase or three-phase. Single-phase is generally used for low-voltage, while three-phase is more common for high-voltage power supplies.
When choosing a programmable power supply, several specifications should be considered. For AC supplies, output voltage, voltage accuracy, output frequency, and output current are important attributes. For DC supplies, output voltage, voltage accuracy, current, and power are important characteristics. Many special features are also available, including computer interface, overcurrent protection, overvoltage protection, short circuit protection, and temperature compensation. Programmable power supplies also come in a variety of forms. Some of those are modular, board-mounted, wall-mounted, floor-mounted or bench top.
Programmable power supplies are now used in many applications. Some examples include automated equipment testing, crystal growth monitoring, and differential thermal analysis.
High-voltage power supply
High voltage refers to an output on the order of hundreds or thousands of volts. High-voltage supplies use a linear setup to produce an output voltage in this range.
Additional features available on high-voltage supplies can include the ability to reverse the output polarity along with the use of circuit breakers and special connectors intended to minimize arcing and accidental contact with human hands. Some supplies provide analog inputs (i.e. 0-10V) that can be used to control the output voltage, effectively turning them into high-voltage amplifiers albeit with very limited bandwidth.
Uninterruptible power supply
An uninterruptible power supply (UPS) takes its power from two or more sources simultaneously. It is usually powered directly from the AC mains, while simultaneously charging a storage battery. Should there be a dropout or failure of the mains, the battery instantly takes over so that the load never experiences an interruption. Such a scheme can supply power as long as the battery charge suffices, e.g., in a computer installation, giving the operator sufficient time to effect an orderly system shutdown without loss of data. Other UPS schemes may use an internal combustion engine or turbine to continuously supply power to a system in parallel with power coming from the AC mains. The engine-driven generators would normally be idling, but could come to full power in a matter of a few seconds in order to keep vital equipment running without interruption. Such a scheme might be found in hospitals or telephone central offices.
Voltage multipliers
Voltage multipliers, as the name implies, are circuits designed to multiply the input voltage. The input voltage may be doubled (voltage doubler), tripled (voltage tripler), quadrupled (voltage quadrupler), etc. Voltage multipliers are also power converters. An AC input is converted to a higher DC output. These circuits allow high voltages to be obtained using a much lower voltage AC source.
Typically, voltage multipliers are composed of half-wave rectifiers, capacitors, and diodes. For example, a voltage tripler consists of three half-wave rectifiers, three capacitors, and three diodes (see Cockroft Walton Multiplier). Full-wave rectifiers may be used in a different configuration to achieve even higher voltages. Also, both parallel and series configurations are available. For parallel multipliers, a higher voltage rating is required at each consecutive multiplication stage, but less capacitance is required. The voltage capability of the capacitor limits the maximum output voltage.
Voltage multipliers have many applications. For example, voltage multipliers can be found in everyday items like televisions and photocopiers. Even more applications can be found in the laboratory, such as cathode ray tubes, oscilloscopes, and photomultiplier tubes.
Lan Card
A 1990s Ethernet network interface controller card which connects to the motherboard via the now-obsolete ISA bus. This combination card features both a (now obsolete) bayonet cap BNC connector (left) for use in coaxial-based 10base2 networks and an RJ-45 connector (right) for use in twisted pair-based 10baseT networks. (The ports could not be used simultaneously.) |
A network interface card, network adapter, network interface controller (NIC), or LAN adapter is a computer hardware component designed to allow computers to communicate over a computer network. It is both an OSI layer 1 (physical layer) and layer 2 (data link layer) device, as it provides physical access to a networking medium and provides a low-level addressing system through the use of MAC addresses. It allows users to connect to each other either by using cables or wirelessly.
Although other network technologies exist (e.g. Token Ring), Ethernet has achieved near-ubiquity since the mid-1990s. Every Ethernet network card has a unique 48-bit serial number called a MAC address, which is stored in ROM carried on the card. Every computer on an Ethernet network must have a card with a unique MAC address. Normally it is safe to assume that no two network cards will share the same address, because card vendors purchase blocks of addresses from the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) and assign a unique address to each card at the time of manufacture.
Whereas network cards used to be expansion cards that plug into a computer bus, the low cost and ubiquity of the Ethernet standard means that most newer computers have a network interface built into the motherboard. These either have Ethernet capabilities integrated into the motherboard chipset or implemented via a low cost dedicated Ethernet chip, connected through the PCI (or the newer PCI express) bus. A separate network card is not required unless multiple interfaces are needed or some other type of network is used. Newer motherboards may even have dual network (Ethernet) interfaces built-in.
The card implements the electronic circuitry required to communicate using a specific physical layer and data link layer standard such as Ethernet or token ring. This provides a base for a full network protocol stack, allowing communication among small groups of computers on the same LAN and large-scale network communications through routable protocols, such as IP.
There are four techniques used to transfer data, the NIC may use one or more of these techniques.
- Polling is where the microprocessor examines the status of the peripheral under program control.
- Programmed I/O is where the microprocessor alerts the designated peripheral by applying its address to the system's address bus.
- Interrupt-driven I/O is where the peripheral alerts the microprocessor that it's ready to transfer data.
- DMA is where an intelligent peripheral assumes control of the system bus to access memory directly. This removes load from the CPU but requires a separate processor on the card.
A network card typically has a RJ45, BNC, or AUI socket where the network cable is connected, and a few LEDs to inform the user of whether the network is active, and whether or not there is data being transmitted on it. Network cards are typically available in 10/100/1000 Mbit/s varieties. This means they can support a notional maximum transfer rate of 10, 100 or 1000 Megabits per second.
Sometimes the words 'controller' and 'card' are used interchangeably when talking about networking because the most common NIC is the network interface card. Although 'card' is more commonly used, it is less encompassing. The 'controller' may take the form of a network card that is installed inside a computer, or it may refer to an embedded component as part of a computer motherboard, a router, expansion card, printer interface or a USB device.
A MAC address is a 48-bit network hardware identifier that is burned into a ROM chip on the NIC to identify that device on the network. The first 24-bit field is called the Organizationally Unique Identifier (OUI) and is largely manufacturer-specific. Each OUI allows for 16,777,216 Unique NIC Addresses. Smaller manufacturers that do not have a need for over 4096 unique NIC addresses may opt to purchase an Individual Address Block (IAB) instead. An IAB consists of the 24-bit OUI plus a 12-bit extension (taken from the 'potential' NIC portion of the MAC address.)
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
A modem (modulator-demodulator) is a device that modulates an analog carrier signal to encode digital information, and also demodulates such a carrier signal to decode the transmitted information. The goal is to produce a signal that can be transmitted easily and decoded to reproduce the original digital data. Modems can be used over any means of transmitting analog signals, from driven diodes to radio.
The most familiar example is a voiceband modem that turns the digital data of a personal computer into analog audio signals that can be transmitted over a telephone line, and once received on the other side, a modem converts the analog data back into digital.
Modems are generally classified by the amount of data they can send in a given time, normally measured in bits per second (bit/s, or bps). They can also be classified by Baud, the number of times the modem changes its signal state per second. For example, the ITU V.21 standard used audio frequency-shift keying, aka tones, to carry 300 bit/s using 300 baud, whereas the original ITU V.22 standard allowed 1,200 bit/s with 600 baud using phase-shift keying.
Faster modems are used by Internet users every day, notably cable modems and ADSL modems. In telecommunications, wide-band radio modems transmit repeating frames of data at very high data rates over microwave radio links. Narrow-band radio modem is used for low data rate up to 19.2k mainly for private radio networks. Some microwave modems transmit more than a hundred million bits per second. Optical modems transmit data over optical fibers. Most intercontinental data links now use optical modems transmitting over undersea optical fibers. Optical modems routinely have data rates in excess of a billion (1x109) bits per second. One kilobit per second (kbit/s, kb/s, or kbps) as used in this article means 1,000 bits per second and not 1,024 bits per second. For example, a 56k modem can transfer data at up to 56,000 bit/s (7 kB/s) over the phone line.
In the summer of 1960,the name Data-Phone was introduced to replace the earlier term digital subset. The 202 Data-Phone was a half-duplex asynchronous service that was marketed extensively in late 1960. In 1962, the 201A and 201B Data-Phones were introduced. They were synchronous modems using two-bit-per-baud phase-shift keying (PSK). The 201A operated half-duplex at 2,000 bit/s over normal phone lines, while the 201B provided full duplex 2,400 bit/s service on four-wire leased lines, the send and receive channels running on their own set of two wires each.
The famous Bell 103A dataset standard was also introduced by Bell Labs in 1962. It provided full-duplex service at 300 baud over normal phone lines. Frequency-shift keying was used with the call originator transmitting at 1,070 or 1,270 Hz and the answering modem transmitting at 2,025 or 2,225 Hz. The readily available 103A2 gave an important boost to the use of remote low-speed terminals such as the KSR33, the ASR33, and the IBM 2741. AT&T reduced modem costs by introducing the originate-only 113D and the answer-only 113B/C modems.
The Carterfone decision
For many years, the Bell System (AT&T) maintained a monopoly on the use of its phone lines, allowing only Bell-supplied devices to be attached to its network. Before 1968, AT&T maintained a monopoly on what devices could be electrically connected to its phone lines. This led to a market for 103A-compatible modems that were mechanically connected to the phone, through the handset, known as acoustically coupled modems. Particularly common models from the 1970s were the Novation CAT and the Anderson-Jacobson, spun off from an in-house project at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. Hush-a-Phone v. FCC was a seminal ruling in United States telecommunications law decided by the DC Circuit Court of Appeals on November 8, 1956. The District Court found that it was within the FCC's authority to regulate the terms of use of AT&T's equipment. Subsequently, the FCC examiner found that as long as the device was not physically attached it would not threaten to degenerate the system. Later, in the Carterfone decision of 1968, the FCC passed a rule setting stringent AT&T-designed tests for electronically coupling a device to the phone lines. AT&T made these tests complex and expensive, so acoustically coupled modems remained common into the early 1980s.